This appears to be a placeholder for other characters and was probably forgotten to be removed in the final version.

Changes colors like her male counterpart as opposed to simply wearing white) Khameleon (rendered as Woman Chameleon.Sheeva (previously absent from both the SNES and Genesis ports).The new characters also receive unique VS. The roster of characters has increased a great deal, including past incarnations of every character to appear up to Trilogy, sans the MK3 version of Noob Saibot, a shadowy Kano. As the name suggests, it is essentially Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 with characters added from Trilogy and more. Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy is a popular hack of the Sega Genesis/Megadrive port of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and was created and released in 2007 by Russian hacker, KabalMK.